Whole Child Whole Community Conference

Learn how our community can create safe places and build healthy relationships for students and families to thrive.

Now more than ever, educators and youth care providers are looking for tools to support the whole child and their mental health needs, and our school and community leaders seek to build their knowledge to better advocate and address systemic barriers with hopes to build a more equitable future.

Focusing on the whole child requires the whole community to come together. As the largest mental health provider in schools, Communities In Schools of San Antonio is excited to announce the inaugural Whole Child Whole Community Conference- a day dedicated to learning, community building, and wellness. 

Join us for this cross-sector collaborative effort and together we will build an equitable path to life success for future generations. See below for more information about this special event and click here to register or become a sponsor. Tickets are $75 per person and the registration deadline is Friday, October 8th. Breakout session descriptions will be released as we get closer to the event. Session topics have been curated for Educators, School District Leaders, Counselors, Youth Serving Program Staff, Community Leaders, Attorneys, and Policy Makers. CE’s and CEU’s provided for eligible professionals.

Your safety is a priority to us, so guests will have the option to attend this conference in-person or virtually. In-person attendance will follow all CDC guidance and safety protocols. Please note that some break-out session topics may not be available to virtual guests due to the session format.

Questions about this event? Please contact Jessica Hannah at jhannah@cissa.org.

Sessions Will Focus On The Following Topics:

Building Relationships to Unlock Student Potential

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Promoting Healing and Mindfulness


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Shifting Systems to Promote Equity


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Conference Agenda

8:00- 9:00 a.m.       Registration/Check In

9:00- 9:20 a.m.       Opening Remarks with Mindfulness Moment

9:20- 9:30 a.m.       Transition 

9:30- 11:00 a.m.      Breakout Session #1

11:00 - 11:10 a.m.   Mindfulness Break

11:10- 11:55 a.m.    Breakout Session #2 

12:00- 1:30 p.m.      All In For Kids Luncheon Panel Discussion and Awards 

1:30- 1:45 p.m.       Mindfulness Break

1:45- 3:45 p.m.        Breakout Session #3  

For those attending in person, this event will take place at the Region 20 Conference Center (1314 Hines, San Antonio, TX 78208)

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Click here to learn more about our panelists.


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All In For Kids Awards

Communities In Schools of San Antonio is excited to celebrate the diverse professionals across the community who empower youth to overcome challenges by reducing barriers, providing support, leading change, and more! As part of our inaugural Whole Child, Whole Community Conference, we invite you to nominate inspiring leaders in Bexar County, and the surrounding areas who have made a difference in the lives of youth and our community. Registration to the conference is not required to submit a nomination.

The All In For Kids Award categories include: 

  • Educator
  • Community Leader
  • Civil Servant
  • Corporation 

Share the nomination form with your network. Together, we can celebrate those that have gone above and beyond for kids in San Antonio!

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Until this event!

About Communities In Schools of San Antonio (CIS-SA)

The mission of Communities In Schools is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life. Communities in Schools is the largest mental health provider in schools and experts in social-emotional learning. Working directly in over 160 schools across 12 school districts, Communities In Schools of San Antonio builds relationships that empower students to stay in school and succeed in life.  Our school-based staff partner with teachers to identify challenges students face in class or at home and coordinate with community partners to bring outside resources inside schools. From immediate needs like food or clothing to more complex ones like counseling or emotional support, we do whatever it takes to help students succeed.   Visit http://www.cissa.org for more information.